It is true. Dragging home a unique piece that some might call junk is another one of my love languages. If you’re keeping track, I’ve recently shared that breakfast for supper and flowers are also part of my native love languages. (It is Valentine’s week and it never hurts to communicate clearly…)
While we were dating, Cowboy took me down the back road to an abandoned home out in the country and shared that his dream of finding a place like that to call home. Although he probably had something more romantic in mind, right there, in a house we probably weren’t supposed to be in with a terrible odor in the air and broken shards of glass all around us, we made a commitment. Although we didn’t know when, where or how…we promised that if we were ever given the chance, we would bring a place like that back to life and share it with others in whatever way we could.
That was just the beginning of us looking for the unexpected in what might seem lost or forgotten. From homes and rental apartments to chicken feeders and porch rails, we like to walk into a mess and imagine what it could be. Whether you are reclaiming an old metal pan from the garage, a piece of furniture from your favorite thrift store or restoring friendships, families or a home….here are three words to remember: Love. Purpose. Story.
Love. Each piece we choose to haul home is because I love it. I can never predict what I love about something. I might love its angles and lines or maybe its curves or odd shape. I may even fall for its dents and scratches, but there must be an attraction!
Purpose. We can enjoy the treasures we bring home every single day if we find a purpose for them. Rather than how can this add to my collection, ask how can this add to my home? To my life? Where can it inspire me or help me in some way?
Story. Each season serves its purpose and leaves its marks behind. The lines and the dents show wear and tear on our treasures (just like on us sometimes – can I get an amen??), but each mark is a reminder of where it has been and how it was used.
So although it is true that “I Love Junk,” the truth is I really love surrounding myself with people and things that make me believe in the unexpected. Things that remind me that I too, am loved, have a purpose and am part of a bigger story.
That’s a love story that makes Valentine’s Day, shopping and all of the rest a little less important and getting to see your face and share this journey the most important part of opening these barn doors.
Our February hours are Saturday 10-1 and Sunday 12-3. We will try to keep it cozy. You wear your layers! Bring a friend, your smile or your broken heart. Either way, we will be waiting for you.