I was born to teach. Teaching is how I learn and grow and how I connect with others. One of the best parts of growing from a hobby vendor to a profitable small business is all of the other dreamers, makers and small businesses that we meet along the way.
Thursday, March 12th, we’ve carved out time for me to spend with entrepreneurs and dreamers in the Quad Cities and beyond. We will have three sessions to choose from, so you can choose what’s just right for you.
This is my second visit to The Market: Journey to Joy classroom and we are thrilled that we can ask you to join us this time.
8:30am — this will be our refresher small group for those who were not with us for the first class. This is a hybrid of our instructional level and guidance level of social media that focuses on how to build conversations and relationships using social media. Curious if it’s a good fit for you? I’ll email you the notes and you can decide for yourself! (Cost $40. Register here)
9:30am — this will be our Social Media Boost workshop and our most intensive session of the day. Seats are limited to ensure that we can work closely together. We will review changes in Facebook & Instagram, build strategies that are right for YOU and your audience or customers, and talk sustainable engagement for the long run! (Cost $75. Register here)
11:00am — this will be our lunch session that will be a more casual luncheon. I will share important lessons that I’ve learned on “The Journey from Hobby to Profitable Growing Business” including hard topics like time, family, resources and feeling like a one woman circus. From budgeting to balancing a healthy lifestyle — I’m going to share heart to heart to encourage you on YOUR journey. (Cost $20. Lunch included. Get tickets here.)
If you register for the main session then your lunch session is included. Hope to see you at The Market in Moline on March 12th!
Send questions to [email protected].